Thursday, September 30, 2010


In time of your weakest point in life, you'll soon realize who's there to either watch you fall or bring you up. And when that realization hit you hard, embrace his/her friendship who cared enough to stay. Nothing should mean more to you than a faithful companionship during your hardest times to hold your hand, hear you cry, help you stand.

Never under appreciate a friendship like this, never should you forget who suffered with you when they could have easily let you starve with issues.

Remember to appreciate. To treat them how they sacrificed their time to treat you with warmth and comfort.


  1. I guess you'll never truly know who those people are until the time comes.

  2. deep, deep words! actually got goose bumps!

  3. your post made me think of who i rly value most in my life and i realized that i already lost this person.

  4. Very good post indeed, you never know who your real friends are, until the day comes that it really matters... then you'll see who's there for you and who not

  5. i dont need anyone. just be strong enough for yourself.

  6. great post; more people should think this way.

  7. Powerful words. Brings a chill to my spine.

  8. Been there, and the br0z that where there for me were treated to a twenty-pack of Budweiser bottles when the dust settled.

  9. very deep and insightful, love it!

  10. Just wondering, are you guys serious about dont needing anyone else? I mean, I'm mostly on my own too, but when you've got good friends to support you when things go bad, it's just easier

  11. its always good to have someone to lean on. You can be independent all you want, but its nice to have someone around. Following

  12. they say loosing love is like a window in your heart
    everybody sees you're blown apart
    everybody hears the wind blow

  13. that was pretty deep, i have a lot of reflecting to do

  14. I need to learn to do this more often.

  15. Cool post bro. and BTW send me that zerg replay! I think it would help me out because I can look at someone elses play and show people what you did right/wrong in pictures! Thanks!

  16. Yeah... it's true. Never underestimate what you've got.

  17. I give to some friends and take from others. I suppose there is a cycle to it all.

  18. I definitely agree. I've faced such instances a number of times, and the people that were there for me are the ones I care the most for now.

    Well said.
